Jay Chou - Ting MaMa De Hua (听妈妈的话)Lyrics

Jay Chou【听妈妈的话】歌词

  • Xiǎopéngyǒu, nǐ shìfǒu yǒu hěn duō wènhào?
    小朋友, 你是否有很多问号?
    Little friend, do you have a lot of questions?

    èishíme biérén zài nà kàn mànhuà,为什么别人在那看漫画,Why others are reading comic books,

    Wǒ què zài xué huà huà, duì zhe gāngqín shuōhuà.
    我却在学画画, 对著钢琴说话.
    But I am learning painting and talking to the piano.

    Biérén zài wán yóuxì, wǒ què kào zài qiángbì bèi wǒde ABC.
    别人在玩游戏, 我却靠在墙壁背我的ABC.
    Others are playing games, but I am leaning on the wall memorizing my ABCs.

    Wǒ shuō wǒ yào yī tái dàdà de fēijī, dàn què dédào yī tái jiù jiù lùyīnjī.
    我说我要一台大大的飞机, 但却得到一台旧旧录音机.I said I wanted a large airplane, but I got an old recorder.

    Wèishíme yào tīng māmā de huà, zhǎngdà hòu nǐ jiù huì kāishǐ dǒng le zhè duàn huà. 
    为什么要听妈妈的话, 长大后你就会开始懂了这段话.
    Why listen to mom's words, after you grow up you will start to understand this section of words.

    Zhǎngdà hòu wǒ kāishǐ míngbái, 长大后我开始明白, After I got older I started to realize,

    èishíme wǒ pǎo dé bǐ biérén kuài, fēi dé bǐ biérén gāo.为什么我跑得比别人快, 飞得比别人高.Why I run faster than others, fly higher than others.

    Jiānglái dàjiā kàn de dōushì wǒ huà de mànhuà, 
    In the future, people will be reading the comic books I draw,

    Dàjiā chàng de dōushì wǒ xiě de gē.
    All the songs they sing will be written by me.

    Māma de xīnkǔ bú ràng nǐ kànjiàn, wēnnuǎn de shípǔ zài tā xīn lǐmiàn.
    妈妈的辛苦不让你看见, 温暖的食谱在她心里面.
    Mom's hard work won't let you see. warm recipes are in her heart.

    Yǒukōng jiù duōduō wò wò tā de shǒu , bǎ shǒu qiān zhe yīqǐ mèngyóu.有空就多多握握她的手, 把手牵著一起梦游. 
    When you have time, hold her hand and dream together. ]

    { ( Tīng māma de huà, bié ràng tā shòushāng.
    听妈妈的话, 别让她受伤.
    Listen to mom's words, don't let her get hurt.

    Xiǎng kuàikuài zhǎngdà, cáinéng bǎohù tā.
    想快快长大, 才能保护她.
    Want to grow up quickly, be able to protect her. )

    Měilì de báifà, xìngfú zhōng fāyá,
    美丽的白发, 幸福中发芽.
    Beautiful white hair, sprouting in happiness.

    Tiānshǐ de mófǎ, wēnnuǎn zhōng cíxiáng.
    天使的魔法, 温暖中慈祥.
    Angel's magic, benevolent in kindness. }
    Zài nǐde wèilái, yīnyuè shì nǐde wángpái,
    在你的未来, 音乐是你的王牌,
    In your future, music is your key trump card, 

    Ná wángpái tán ge liànài, ai, wǒ bú xiǎng bǎ nǐ jiāo huài.
    拿王牌谈个恋爱, 唉, 我不想把你教坏.
    Use the trump card to be in love, sigh, I don't want to teach you the bad.

    Háishì tīng māma de huà ba, wǎndiǎn zài liànài ba.
    还是听妈妈的话吧, 晚点再恋爱吧.
    Better listen to mom, be in love later. 

    Wǒ zhīdào nǐ wèilái de lù, dàn mā bǐ wǒ gèng qīngchǔ.
    我知道你未来的路, 但妈比我更清楚.
    I know your future path, but mom knows better than me

    Nǐ huì kāishǐ xué qítā tóngxué, zài shūbāo xiě dōng xiě xī.
    You will start imitating other classmates, writing things on your backpack.

    Dàn wǒ jiànyì zuìhǎo xiě: māma wǒ huì yònggōng dúshū.
    但我建议最好写: 妈妈我会用功读书.
    But I suggest you better write: Mom I will study hard. 

    Yònggōng dúshū, zěnme huì cóng wǒ zuǐbā shuō chū?
    用功读书, 怎么会从我嘴巴说出?
    Study hard, how does that come from my mouth?
    ù xiǎng nǐ shū, suǒyǐ yào jiào nǐ yònggōng dúshū.
    不想你输, 所以要叫你用功读书.
    Don't want you to lose so must tell you to study hard.
    Māma zhī gěi nǐ de máoyī, nǐ yào hǎohǎo de shōu zhe.
    妈妈织给你的毛衣, 你要好好的收著.
    The sweater mom knitted for you, you have to keep it safe.
    Yīnwèi Mǔqīnjié dào shí, wǒ yào gàosù tā wǒ hái liú zhe.
    因为母亲节到时, 我要告诉她我还留著.
    Because on Mother's Day, I want to tell her, I still have it.
    Duìle, wǒ huì yùdào Zhōu Rùnfā, 
    对了, 我会遇到周润发,
    Oh yea, I will meet Chow Yun Fat,

    Suǒyǐ nǐ kěyǐ gēn tóngxué xuànyào, Dǔshén wèilái shì nǐ bàba.
    所以你可以跟同学炫耀, 赌神未来是你爸爸.
    So you can show off to your friends, "The God of Gambling" will be your father.

    Wǒ zhǎo bú dào tóngnián xiě de qíngshū, nǐ xiě wán búyào sòng rén.
    我找不到童年写的情书, 你写完不要送人.
    I can't find the love letter which is written in the childhood. Don't give it away after you finish it.

    èi guò liǎng tiān nǐ huì zài cāochǎng shàng jiǎndào.因为过两天你会在操场上捡到.
    Because you will find it on the playground two days later

    Nǐ huì kāishǐ xǐhuān shàng liúx
    ínggē, yīnwèi Zhāng Xuéyǒu kāishǐ zhǔnbèi chàng Wěnbié.
    你会开始喜欢上流行歌, 因为张学友开始准备唱吻别.
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